Save A Child's Inspiration Wildlife Discovery

(How will this project contribute to natural resource management, conservation, or education?): The purpose of this project is truly, all of the above. Beginning with education as its primary focus and goal, A Child's Inspiration Wildlife Discovery Garden, will function as a space and a resource respectively for environmental education programming, workshops, and classes, etc. We will work to encourage a love and respect for our environment and natural world. We will work towards a commitment to the conservation of our environment and natural world through discovery and engagement of stewards and nature heroes of all ages, socioeconomic means, colors, races, religious or non-religious beliefs, sexual orientations, identities, or expressions, and national origins or ancestries. Of course, through the above and more, we will work towards the sustainable conservation of natural resources in our neighborhood and beyond. A Child's Inspiration Wildlife Discovery garden is currently a natural resource that is being preserved and maintained to act as a demonstration site for our work at large. It is our hope that through our work, our pride, our passions, we will be able to pass along the love of learning, love and conservation of our shared environment and the natural world, and natural resources in our community and beyond for years to come.

Project type: Education Stewardship

Project Description (In detail, describe what the project or activity involves. What are you, the Master Naturalist, and any other participants involved in the project or activity actually doing? How does the project address a natural history, natural resource management or conservation, Institute or partner need for meaningful service? How can the project’s impact on the community and our natural resources be measured?):
This project, being an ongoing, multi-year project is as such, multi-layered. The more direct, more immediately measurable step is to begin to transform A Child's Inspiration Wildlife Discovery Garden into a magical Demonstration Site/Garden and location for our larger project goal of bringing an environmental education program to the Fishtown, Northern Liberties, East Kensington, Olde Richmond, and surrounding neighborhoods of Philadelphia. A Child's Inspiration Wildlife Discovery Garden as a measurable success, will complete several certifications currently attainable throughout our neighborhood, including National Wildlife Federation Certified Wildlife Habitat and million pollinator garden challenge, S.H.A.R.E. Pollinator Partnership, Monarch Watch Monarch Waystation Certification, Environmental Education Alliance Pollinator Habitat, Penn State Pollinator Friendly Garden Certification, North American Butterfly Association Butterfly Gardening Certification, Botanical Sanctuary, Wildlife Habitat Council Conservation Certification and Registry, and more. Visible on our Facebook page;, are also the initial Strategic Plan Outline and Strategic Direction PowerPoint for A Child's Inspiration Wildlife Discovery Garden to act as a flexible guide to our plan. This outline and plan highlights critical next steps in designing and developing an Environmental Education Program and subsequent Demonstration Site/Garden at A Child's Inspiration Wildlife Discovery Garden. We will begin to create and build nature boxes (i.e. Fur, Feathers, Skin, and Scales) for use during a series being held at Penn Treaty Park and Arcadia Commons this spring and summer. Similar programming and curriculum will be developed for A Child's Inspiration Wildlife Discovery Garden as well as surrounding locations throughout our community, such as Big Green Block, NKCDC Garden Center, etc. Several meetings have and will continue to take place within our core team and partners to further plan and develop our Mission and Vision, and our program at large. Additional information regarding A Child's Inspiration Wildlife Discovery Garden and its progress can be found at We have hopes of utilizing all of the wonderful ideas and experiences gained through Master Naturalist, as well as our other collective experiences in formal education, early childhood, and informal education at the Philadelphia Zoo to create a wonderful, safe space for others to experience, engage in, and be inspired by nature for a very long time.

Project Location (Where will this project take place?): This project will take place at A Child's Inspiration Wildlife Discovery Garden, Big Green Block, NKCDC Garden Center, By My Side Parenting, Penn Treaty Park, Arcadia Commons, and surrounding areas of Philadelphia.

How will the partnering organization and community benefit as a result of this effort? The partnering organization(s) and community at large will benefit in a few various ways as a result of this on-going effort. By My Side Parenting will see parts of its mission and vision come to fruition throughout the neighborhood and beyond, in terms of connecting children and families with nature and resources to engage and conserve our natural world. By My Side Parenting will also gain greater marketing exposure through programming in various locations around the neighborhood. The community will benefit from a greater learning and understanding of the importance of conserving and engaging responsibly in/with our natural world, becoming stewards and heroes who will in turn work to save and conserve natural resources, the environment at large, and green spaces throughout our community.

Any financial obligations (cost of project)? Who will pay costs? Any financial obligations will be the responsibility of Sandi Vincenti either through personal means, grants, or crowd-source funding.

What, if any, prior experience or expertise is required or preferred? Education and/or environmental education background is a plus.

What training will be provided and by whom? Training will be provided on an as needed basis at the request of the educator to further their knowledge and understanding. Sources for trainings may include DVAEYC, Community Design Collaborative, NKCDC, PHENND, Watershed Congress, PAEE, and trainings related to PA Master Naturalist, etc.

Resources provided (What equipment or other resources will be provided for the volunteer(s)?): Resources, or possible avenues to acquire resources will be provided at the educator’s request and as budget, etc. allows.

Resources needed: Resource needs will be ongoing and will be evaluated and adjusted accordingly.

Safety hazards and protocols: Safety hazards that may be encountered would be related to hazards found in green spaces throughout the city. Proper steps will be taken to ensure safe and proper handling, and disposal of any hazardous materials, etc.

Does your organization carry general liability insurance? YES

If yes, what is the general aggregate limit? $2,000,000; Declaration Page, or Insurance Packet can be provided by request, as well as any additional paperwork needed..

Are minors involved? (If yes, volunteers must attain state required clearances to be authorized to work with children and be trained in working with youth). Yes.

How will the project be evaluated during implementation and after completion? The program will be evaluated, at this juncture, on a bi-monthly basis to assess progress and needs. We will work towards evaluation of enthusiasm and feedback for upcoming programs. Attendance numbers and formal feedback/evaluation forms will be utilized at the programs themselves, as well as ongoing suggestions and ideas.

How will the PA Master Naturalist benefit from participation in the project? The Pa Master Naturalist will benefit greatly in many ways. She will grow and flourish as an individual. She will be able to live out her dream of giving back to the community, fostering a love of learning, animals, and the natural world, and well, playing and engaging with/in nature herself. This will give her the opportunity to watch others, to watch her family, her ideas; her community grow strong, green, and beautiful.

- A Child's Inspiration Wildlife Discovery Garden


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